Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Well, I was right. I managed to put on a few pounds while on vacation. Two to be exact. Thankfully, both Pat and I were both on board for the post vacation buckle-down and we got right back on the wagon. He put on a few more than I did (Six for him, I think), so for once, he has further to go this week than I do.

Since returning on Saturday, I've managed to lose 1.8 of my 2lb gain! Pretty good. It helps that we've got a TON of Zucchini from the garden to eat, and that I've been working this week (which means no mid day snacking)

Back on track!

I know I promised more Vacation stuff, just haven't gotten to it yet. Soon, I promise ;)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

best kinda "wash" a girl can ask for! going on vacation and not retaining any of the weight :)