Thursday, January 1, 2009


I am not one of those people that love New Years Eve. I was never the type to party it up and get sloshed ringing in the new year. I tend to opt for the more laid back celebrations at home or at a friend's house. This year was no different.

We got together with Pat's brother Brian and his family that live a few blocks away, and his brother Jeff and his family who were visiting from Philly. We did a gift exchange for the kids, had a lovely dinner and played a few games. It was a fun evening. Almost everyone made it to midnight, and we toasted the new year as one big family.

I am also not big on resolutions. I feel like making resolutions is like a making a promise you know you can't keep. Instead of clear cut resolutions, I tend to focus on goals for the year. Lately, I've begun making yearly "to-do" lists. On our drive home from visiting family in Pittsburgh, Pat and I usually start this list and it often continues to grow and change throughout the year.

Here is this year's list in no particular order (some items will be completed this weekend, others may not be done at all):

Refinance house/take out HELOC
Steam clean carpets
Organize closets
Re-do Closet (buy system from container store in Feb on sale)
Find time to work out
Paint Family room/kitchen/dining room
Burn home movies on to DVD's
buy curtains for Dining room
Go through girls clothes and pack/give away
Book Sarah's bday party
Storm door
Landscape side of garage
bulletin board for kitchen
screens repaired
thank you notes written
figure out camp schedule
buy and install new baby gates
buy new car seat

The list will continue to evolve, but this is the beginning of getting my head straight for the new year. Today (or tomorrow) I will also set up my calendar for the year; another one of my ritualistic traditions for the new year. Of course, I must have my pork and sauerkraut this evening as well.

May your New Year be full of hope and may your goals and resolutions be attainable!

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