Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weigh in Wednesday!

Unlike yesterday, I actually checked on the status of school before getting out of bed this morning. Thankfully, I was able to sleep in this morning! This will, of course, cause us some problems if we get much more snow this year. Thanks to having inauguration day off, we now only have 1 more snow day built into the calendar!

This morning I am down 1 lb from last week. for a total of 2.8 lbs since Jan 2. I know its slow going, but I am nursing and don't want to drop too much too fast since I already struggle with my supply.

I was able to get my hands on a Wii Fit this week as well! I love it. I need to get some games to go with it, but the software that comes with it is pretty good. I've done some yoga, strength training and aerobics. My kids are having a ball with it too! I don't like the fact that it changes your mii person to look like what your BMI is though. I look like I've got a spare tire! Hopefully that will change soon enough!

My oldest opted to go to daycare today, so I am home with the 4.5 year old and the baby. That means no fighting! Yay!!!


Christy M. said...

Slow and steady is fine! You're doing great.

My Wii Fit should be here today! I can't wait to try it out.

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I so want a Wii. I may have to splurge one of these days.

Congrats on the loss!

Mommy Mo said...

I know what you mean about the nursing/milk supply and losing weight. I had the flu yesterday and dropped 3 pounds overnight. Nursing yesterday and today has not been fun, but I am NOT giving up. Sorry to hijack : ).

Congrats on the loss!

tammi said...

You're doing great! I think it's a wise move to not want to lose too much while nursing. And the small changes you're making now will serve you in good stead once you stop because you'll have some really good habits built by then. Keep up the good work!!!